OMG can you believe it we only have 2 months left until Scrub Stitchin'

get those projects planned...........remember we do have a small project you can work on which is a big secret..............
ALSO I have been asked what sewing to bring.............
start preparing your stuff now............
its full on sewing, knitting, crocheting what ever time..............
You can bring machine or hand projects.........
what ever you want.......
but I suggest a mix so that you can swap around a bit...........
we will have a good big room so we can leave our stuff scattered around and still eat without having to pack up............
we will tell you sooner what to bring for the secret project.................
Catch you in 2 months.............
OMG I am excited.............
PS keep an eye on the blog as I will be in contact a bit this week............
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Hi Donna,
If you’ve kept a spreadsheet, what do I owe? I think I just paid the deposit with the rest due soon, I just realised. ?$250
Cheryl S (not the Cheryl S who swans about on cruise ships ;-) )
i'll email everyone the balances this week..........all due by the end of the month.........
the one swanning on cruise ships probably has forgotten us.........maybe she is swimming around in the fish bowl on the cruise ship instead.........
at least I'm back in the country!... really looking forward to a week/end escape!! Xx
Bring it on - made basic travel plans, bank is set for an automatic transfer sometime, Block Lotto done, some Show & Tell, some projects "thought about".
Most importantly - Annual Leave booked, Hair & nails appts made.
WOOHOO! I'm back in the country too and starting to think about what I will be bringing along with me.....
Can't wait to see all your smiling faces xx
OH stop it!!!! I am not ready!!! the to do lists are growing.
I am scared if the year is flying by that fast! But I am looking forward to catching up with you all.
It is getting very close, very very very close...I am jumping out of my skin with
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