I can hear Sonia singing this one now..............

Thankgoodness we got the weekend we wanted in April.................this was one of the options............one I didn't really want......its a too hot here.......
38 today.........39 tomorrow...but atleast it's not humid............
Baradine is always a smiggen cooler but still it would not be so nice............yes we have air con in the room and in the cabins but still........its much nicer with nicer weather..............
OK must go...........stitching is calling in the air con..........
new post....
Better work on cooling that weather down Chooky!!
OMG - no more singing LOL ... but you have it stuck in my head....
we spent $60 on a blow up pool sunday as we were over the humidity and 38 temp. not getting much sleep as its about 42 in the house...ugh
That is why we wanted the April days....... More likely to be nicer weather.......
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