Hi everyone, I’m Diane from The Sloan Patch. I live on a
little bit of acreage at Telegraph Point along NSW’s mid north coast. My kids
have all finished school now (just) and are at different stages of work/study
so there’s definitely a bit more time for ‘me’.
I started blogging just a couple of years ago when I needed
a little inspiration after starting full time work. I’ve enjoyed being part of
the community so much – and find the virtual sew ins particularly inspiring.
Like many of you, Chooky got me started, and although I’ve dropped out of ‘blogland’
when times are particularly busy, I always try to jump back in.
I started my patchwork journey about 15 years ago when my
beautiful friend Sally put the call out for volunteers to help make some craft
projects to be sold at our local school country fair. I was handy with a sewing
machine – making clothes all through my ‘poor’ uni days – but I’d never done
any other sewing and didn’t fancy it too much. But boy, did I enjoy the
sisterhood, so we decided to meet regularly and try our hand at patchwork.
The beautiful Sally (right) |
Wednesdays at my place became the highlight of my week. And although
I don’t have a lot to show for all those years I certainly enjoyed lots of tea
and cake! In saying that, Sally generously taught me some valuable patchworking
skills, and I have since taken lots of classes with my friend Debbie at Everything Country.
I particularly enjoy handwork and love projects which offer
a variety – embroidery, applique, EPP etc. I’ve just recently started hand
piecing and I love it. I’ve always liked the country colour palette, but I’ve
found myself straying a little lately and it’s been fun. Like many of you I get
excited by new projects, but they seem to take me an incredibly long time to
finish. I do finish some of them…the others are still happening, I promise J.
I’ve read all your posts from previous GDITC with envy, so
am very excited about joining you this year. And I’m especially happy to be
bringing Sally along. It seems only right to share this experience with the
person who got me started!
See you soon.
Oh looking forward to meeting you Diane, being a fellow mid north coast resident.
Yes...we are practically neighbours!
I am sure you are both going to have a lot of fun.
Looking forward to meeting you and Sally, we are a crazy bunch !
look forward tp meeting you guys.......x
Will be great to see you again Di..........heaps more time then what we had at the quilt show.......way to brief......you and Sonia sure are going to have to meet as I am sure you will get on......
Also looking forward to meeting Sally..........
Its great to meet you in the virtual world. Cant wait to meet at the retreat. Your right its the sisterhood that gets us all going.
See you soon Dianne, safe travels.
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