Tuesday, March 25, 2025

Ramping up for 2025 - community quilt

 Hi everyone!

As Scrub Stitching gets closer, I thought I'd better get busy and get the ball rolling for this project I discussed with Chooky a few weeks ago.

I'm sure that most of you know that Chooky and family and friends recently ran the Worrell Family appeal to sponsor ROOM 38 at the Macquarie Home Stay. 

Anyway I thought it would be cool to make a quilt for the room - something that visitors can snuggle under, etc, etc, rather than a bed quilt.

Chooky said come up with an idea and here we are.................................


If we make 2 blocks each (an A and a B) then there will be enough to assemble a quilt by the end of retreat.

Without further ado - 


Use 4 x (2 ½" squares) to make a 4-patch
(This will measure 4½" square)

From a white or light cream fabric, cut 2 x (2½" x 4½") strips AND 2 x (2½" x 8½") strips.

Sew the shorter strips to opposite sides of the 4-patch, then sewer the longer strips to the remaining 2 sides.

Block will measure 8½" square.

That's it.


THEN please make a second block....Instead of using a light fabric to frame the 4-patch, use a coloured one.

Colour choice - whatever works for you is great but I think it would be best to try to use colours that are suitable for all ages and genders...maybe no hot pink but I guess anything will go.

This will be the finished quilt - 

Finishes 58" x 69" minimum (depends how many blocks we get).
I will get something for the setting triangles on my travels and put it together at SS.
This quilt is from this book - 

Please spread the word if someone you know is coming might not see it!!!



loulee said...

Great idea. Hopefully I'll get something made to bring along.

Jenny said...

Sounds good

Janice said...

Great idea. I’ll get sewing.

Susan said...

Raewyn, I wont be there, but can send 2 blocks with Lynda if you like.

Barwitzki said...

This really makes me want to participate – I think the two blocks will fit in one envelope...

Christine M said...

Lovely idea Raewyn. Happy to make a couple of blocks.