Check out all the pages here with the latest information.............
Saturday, March 31, 2018

Friday, March 30, 2018
Did you hear that sound? From Lynda...
This photo is the most recent one of me and was taken last Saturday at Jenny Doan's trunk show on the Gold Coast. I am the old girl on the right. (I can say that because Jenny is about 4 months younger
than I am.)
Quite a few people know me as I attended Girl's Day in the Country for 9 years. I only missed the first one because I didn't know about it. But when I did learn about it, it looked like so much fun that I wanted to join in.
I live in Brisbane, my husband and I have six children between us - his two, my two and our two.
I am hoping Chooky has recovered by now.
Thursday, March 29, 2018
7 sleeps........

Oh Julieeeee!
Wednesday, March 28, 2018
Tuesday, March 27, 2018
Questions answered..........

Suze asked about fridges............there is a small standard size fridge in each cabin..........clearly I have seen how much a few people in a cabin in Nundle jam into a fridge so clearly a cabin of 10-11 women will not fit...........
We have a huge coolroom in the dining room for all drinks so will be best to put all your drinks in there........we will be hanging out in the dining room all the time anyway.........
Sandy - linen provided
I'll post about the weather on Sunday or Monday..........
lets just say it is not good until then....too warm still........
Monday, March 26, 2018
10 days and counting
o Basic Sewing Machine tool kit - This weekend is about Rest, Relaxation, Fun, Socialising oh and SEWING!!!! So bring whatever you wish to work on.
NOTE - Don't stress if you don't have the item on hand, we are a caring sharing group and am sure that you will be able to beg, borrow, trade for the item you need.
- Sewing Machine and thread - clean and in good working order, Appropriate power & foot peddle, Extra sewing machine needles. Pre-wound bobbins (when you can) or extra empty bobbins. If you were not planning on bringing one then just use Chooky's.....
- Fabric Scissors
- Rotary cutter - Chooky will have ruler & mats (unless you plan on cutting lots yourself)
- Pins
- Embroidery Hoop (if you use one)
- Crewel size 9 needle
- cardboard for cutting circles or template plastic or Karen buckley’s perfect circles.
- 1 inch elongated/honeycomb template
- Milliners size 11 Needle
- Bottom line thread
- Roxannes glue (only if you already have some..........pins will work fine.........)
- Beer, wine, preferred tipple
- Sweets: Candy, Chocolate
- Extension cord/power board - Chooky 5 power boards and several extension cords ( maybe talk to your traveling buddies and bring one between you just incase if you plan on machine sewing or need a light........
- Surge protector if you are fussy
- Additional task lighting
- Reading glasses
- Chair cushion
- Comfy shoes (especially for any day that you’ll be doing a lot of standing or perhaps fitting in a WALK/RUN), socks or slippers, light jacket or jumper
- Spending Money - we hope to have a couple of shops available with some treasures for you.
Sunday, March 25, 2018
Sunday prep time............
Friday, March 23, 2018

The beautiful Sally (right) |
Thursday, March 22, 2018
I'm coming....I'm Sandy...
Lucky for me,years ago, Chooky thought I was the 'nice' Sandy and she invested the time to get me blogging, and did for me what she has done for so many, offered the beautiful friendship and inclusion to this magical friendship group of like-minded sewers.
On my first, very nervous trip to Nundle, I took my Mum, not knowing anyone, but certain I would meet the blogging celebrity, "Chooky". Well meet her I did, along with the lovely Jenny aka Bird on the Border, and Trish aka Googygirl, and the friendships just grew and grew, and became many many more in numbers, and immense value.
(hmmm...how do I insert a picture???....some things never change, Chooky..lol)
This was my first Girls Day in the Country.
Donna and I have enjoyed many more since, and developed a lovely friendship.
Oh, I just realised, Chooky, this was the piccie when you got my gift in the swap.....
And then there's Jenny. Well we met at my first GDITC being popped on the same table with Googy as well (nailed it Kerry!), we became room buddies the next year, Jen and I, and we are travelling together to Scrub Stitchin'... like sisters us duo!
I love hand sewing, am an addicted EPP er, and I like to work with reproduction fabrics.
Who would have thought that the blog name, which Chooky and I agonised over, Shiralee Stitches, would go on to become my business name?...well it did. Shiralee is the name of our cattle property in Northern NSW.... and most of you know that I have a little patchwork business, mobile and online.
You can check me out at www.shiraleestitches.com.au
I design a lot of the projects in my shop and run a few BOM programs, which many of the bloggy girls have done or are doing...
Chooky and Sonia have twisted my arm to bring a few goodies to Scrub, although Jen and I have to fit our sewing gear in her car, so if you really want anything in particular, you'd better let me know. We just might have to ditch the stock at Jenny's place in Goondi if we can't fit the bubbles and the other essentials in...lol...
Chooky and Sonia...you are doing an amazing job, and I thank you so much for organising this opportunity to have a blast again..bring on the laughs, the show and tell, the hideous behaviour that only we 'get', and all the fun and antics.....oh, and the sewing....hehe....can't wait to see you all again.
(hope this post works...)
Wednesday, March 21, 2018
If only......
Saturday, March 17, 2018
Susan Oh 2 Sew Intro
A lot of you have met me at GDITC - I am a reasonably regular blogger (here) - and went to GDITC each year from 2014 to 2017.
I am originally from Sydney and now live in Brisbane - have two girls - aged 28 and 26. I started cross stitch in the mid 80s and then patchwork a few years later. Cross stitch eventually faded out of the scene - although recently I have done a few smaller items.
For my patchwork style, I prefer brighter colours - although I like the look of civil war, reproductions etc - it just isn't me. And I haven't been bitten by the EPP bug. I prefer making tops rather than quilting them. And for me it is about the process of making them not so much the end result.
Yes, I do like Purple but I love any of the jewel colours just as much.
I am so easily sucked in by new projects, new ideas - a lot of you will understand that!!
I am so good at starting a new project - not so much about finishing.
I belong to 3 sewing groups - so rarely have a weekend without a sewing day in it.
I will be travelling with my bestest buddy, Maureen, - most of you know her from some GDITC trips too - stopping at a few shops along the way....if we find them.
Maureen and I met at work - we spent our lunchtimes sewing in one of the spare offices.
I am very much looking forward to seeing all those I know again - meeting some newbies - especially the ones that I know via blogging - and having a long break from work - since this trip is just after Easter and I need to leave Wednesday to get there by midday Thursday - I figured there wasn't a lot of point in going to work on Tuesday - so I will start Easter on Wednesday night - I don't work Thursdays - and will have all the week after Easter off. Mind you I think I am going to be pretty tired on Monday after a long trip home...oh well - so sad - too bad.
Not long to go now - 18 sleeps til we leave!!!
. . . .
Feeling hot hot hot...........

…ta da……
Peg, Dale and Kath….
the Narromine gals….
Well, we have clocked up over 190 plus years between the three of us!!!!!!
OMG we must be the old girls of the group….
these two are my besties…love them dearly……
We have all been friends for so so may years…
Dale is my next door neighbour …39 years…. we have worked together …
Dale was always been there to help me with out all my the fund raising ventures…
I put my hand up so may times when my boys were at school…
I had a real problem and Dale was there always to help out…
Her boys had left school by then…
Now, my very precious Kaffaleena…
We actually met way back in the day of basketball,
Kath was a Dubbo girl and we played in a comp down there, and that was in the early seventies…
Kath married a local painter, I went to School with him and he is a great mate of my DH….
Boys for Kath as well …. 7 boys between the 3 of us…..
our boys all had school and sporting functions that they all participated in and we travelled the countryside ….
and yes, all those school, sport fundraisers Kath was there to help ….lots of street stalls, fetes,
night functions they were the best ever….LOL
we have so many wonderful totally amazing memories…I keep giggling to myself and shaking my head…
Day Day and I dabbled in so may different crafts, we tried it all,
until we found QUILTING…!!!!!
After some travelling to craft shows, fabric shops, we got bestie number 3 convinced to have a bash as well…..
this is a photo taken at at one of our fundraising functions….in the 90’s
the theme was …. 1950’s
We went as the “Pink Ladies” and the boys were the “T Birds”…
yes, we all had wigs, furs, pearls, I had corsages made….
my god we looked hot…LOL……
it was the best ever night…
Friday, March 16, 2018
My name is Deb...
I know I have met most of you attending but for those that haven't. I am a wife, mother, foster carer, nanna and quilter...All titles which I juggle and suit me well. I gave up the corporate life of a Manager for a major Pharmaceutical Wholesaler after the birth of my last baby Maddi ( who is 15 next month OMG)...
I am also a proud Mumma of Amanda, Taryn, Caden and Madison..Nanna of Joshua and Lachlan ( who live in Perth sniff sniff) and a Jamie ( who lives in Bathurst)...No pics of her daddy ( my son hates photos lol)
and last but not least, my hubby who hasn't been well of late, but is now on the road to recovery... hes my biggest supporter whether I'm sewing, quilting, writing or off for another sewing day, he just smiles....and in turn I ignore all (most) of his ebay purchases .....hehe
- Comfort is Key – pack your comfy crafting casual clothes, with the weather being so unpredictable, we suggest you pack for both hot and cold options over the weekend. (Weather update will be posted a few days before we leave home)
- Sunscreen & Hat
- Walking shoes - as there are plenty of walking trails if you fancy a stroll. (and walking clothes.....)
- Insect Repellent
- Torch
- Camera
Wednesday, March 14, 2018
Meet Bird on the Border
Tuesday, March 13, 2018
Sonia find me at Forever Always Online